My database currently contains information on more than 50 monuments around the world related to the atomic bomb and to atomic power -- excluding (with one exception) visitors centers at nuclear power plants. Here they are, rank ordered by date of dedication.Click here for peace monuments.
Click here for freedom and liberty monuments.
Click here for international friendship monuments.Click here for the nine Manhattan Project Signature Facilities designated by the US Department of Energy (DOE).
Click here for a list of Nuclear Historic Landmarks designated by the American Nuclear Society (ANS).
Click here for the "Bureau of Atomic Tourism."
Click here for the "Atomic Archive."
Click here for the "Nuclear Weapon Archive."
Click here for the Atomic Heritage Foundation (AHF).
Click here for a list of nuclear power plants in the US.
Right click image to enlarge.
1947 - Atomic Caverns, Oak Ridge Highway (TN-62), Solway, Knox County, Tennessee (USA). One of many businesses near Oak Ridge to take advantage of the bomb's notarity. Previously known as Gentry's Cave & Grand Caverns. Name changed again in the 1950's to Caveman's Palace. Known today as Cherokee Caverns. Image shows "7-Foot Smiling Cowboy" Homer Harris & his trick horse Stardust performing in the Atomic Caverns on July 16, 1950.
August 6, 1948 - "Memorial Monument to the Victims of the Atomic Bomb [at] Hiroshima Municipal Girls High School", Peace Boulevard, Hiroshima (Japan). Built by parents at the high school in 1948, dedicated on 3rd anniersary of the bomb, and moved to present location in 1957. Depicts "E=MC squared" because the words "Atomic Bomb" would have been denied by the occupying authorities. Photo by EWL.
March 19, 1949 - American Museum of Atomic Energy (AMAE), 55 Jefferson, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA). In former WW-II cafeteria. Opened by the former US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) on same day that the AEC opened the gates of Oak Ridge to the outside world. Moved to new facility in 1975. Name changed to American Museum of Science & Energy (AMSE) in 1978. Original building torn down in 2007. Images shows AMAE (background) and tall power reactor (foreground) as used for the Shippingport Atomic Power Station in 1957. Click here to see an irradiated dime from AMAE.
April 1, 1954 - Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshma (Japan). Click here for Wikipedia article. The Genbaku Dome (severly damaged by the bomb) was designated a World Heritage Site in 1996. The Park also contains the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, the Hiroshima Peace Bell, and many other peace monuments. Image shows the cenotaph (right) and Hiroshima Boys Choir (left) during the annual Peace Memorial Ceremony on August 6 (Hiroshima Day).
August 9, 1955 - Nagasaki Peace Park, Matsuyama-machi, Nagasaki (Japan). Image shows 10-meter-tall Peace Statue created by sculptor Seibou Kitamura. Nagasaki National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims and Urakami Cathedral are nearby. In 1978, the city of Nagasaki established a "Peace Symbols Zone" on both sides of the park and invited donations of peace monuments from countries around the world.
1955 - Postage stamp commemorating the US Government's "Atoms for Peace" program (intended to share nuclear technology while limiting the production of nuclear weapons.). Edges of the stamp read " find the way by which the...inventiveness of man to his life." A quotation from President Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" speech to the United Nations?
Date? - Maria Sklodowska-Curie Museum, Freta Street 16, "Old Town," Warsaw (Poland). Replica of birthplace & former home of Marie Sklodowska [1867-1934]. (Original house destroyed by Germans after the Warsaw Uprising in 1944.) Marie lived in Poland until age 24, then moved to Paris, married Pierre Curie [1859-1906], and received two Nobel prizes -- for chemistry in 1903 and for physics in 1911.
September 26, 1961 - B-29 Bomber "Bockscar" at the National Musuem of the US Air Force, Wright-Paterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio (USA). Preservation of the plane that bombed Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Dayton is also home to the Dayton International Peace Museum.
1963 - Bradbury Science Museum Los Alamos, New Mexico (USA), home of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). Owned by US Department of Energy (DOE).
December 21, 1965 - Trinity Site Monument, White Sands Missile Range (WSMR) -- former Alamogordo Bombing Range, US Army, Alamagordo, New Mexico (USA), where the first atomic explosion took place on July 16, 1945. National Historic Landmark (NHL). Open to public two days a year (as shown in image). Click here to see the plaques on the stone monument.
December 21, 1965 - Graphite Reactor (X-10), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA). Enrico Fermi was present when the reactor went critical the night of November 3-4, 1943. Pioneered production of radioisotopes for medical treastment. Operated until 1963. Designated a National Historic Landmark (NHL) on Decembr 21, 1965. Open to public during Knoxville World's Fair in 1982. Not open to public since 9/11/2001 except on guided bus tours in the Summer for American citizens only. Left image shows how X-10 was part of the ORNL logo.
March 1967 - "Manhattan Project: The untold story of the making of the atomic bomb" by Stephane Groueff [1922-2006]. "A non-technical narrative of the actual making of the first Atom bomb with an accent on the personal cases of the participants & the industrial companies that built it. Rich of human stories and anecdotes."
December 2, 1967 - "Nuclear Energy," site of Alonzo Stagg Field, University of Chicago, Ellis Avenue between 56th & 57th Streets, Chicago, Illinois (USA), where Enrico Fermi "and his team" achieved the world's first atomic chain reaction (Chicago Pile-1) on December 2, 1942. Sculpted by Henry Moore & dedicated on 25th anniversary of this seminal event.
1969 - National Museum of Nuclear Science & History, Heritage Park, 601 Eubank Boulevard SE, Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA). 30,000-square-foot (2,800 m²) facility owned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). "The nation's only Congressionally chartered museum of nuclear science and history." Was " National Atomic Museum" at Kirtland Air Force Base, 1905 Mountain Road NW, until 2009. "The mission of the museum is to serve as America's resource for nuclear history and science." A Smithsonian Affiliate.
1973 - "The Curve of Binding Energy," by John McPhee. "John McPhee has done something amazing - he produced a work of pop science that is worth reading more than 25 years after it was first published. It paints a portrait of a fascinating man - Ted Taylor [1925-2004] - although it's unfortunately somewhat repetitive in places, while he describes the poor security surrounding nuclear materials (which one hopes has improved since then)."
1973 - Omega Peace Institute (OPI), Arkansas Avenue, Los Alamos New Mexico (USA). Next door to Black Hole (qv). Former Grace Lutheran Church purchased in 1973 by Ed Grothus [1923-2009]. Includes CND peace sign & two broken bombs. Signs say "No one is secure unless everyone is secure" & "OMEGA PEACE INSTITUTE, FIRST CHURCH OF HIGH TECHNOLOGY, BLACK HOLE SYNOD, Critical Mass Every Sunday with Bomb Unworship Service. Don Eduardo de Los Alamos, Pastor."
1974 - Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), Batavia Illinois (USA) -- near Chicago. Founded in 1967 as the National Accelerator Laboratory. "Named after the theoretical and experimental physicist Enrico Fermi in 1974 to commemorate his research and extend his Chicago legacy to a new instrument for international particle physics." Image shows Robert Rathbun Wilson Hall at Fermilab.
1975 - American Museum of Science & Energy (AMSE), 300 South Tulane Avenue, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA). Still called the American Museum of Atomic Energy (AMAE) when building occupied in 1975 but acquired present name in 1978. Owned by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Image shows life-size model of the Little Boy bomb which destroyed Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
About 1975 - Combat Air Museum, Forbes Field, Topeka, Kansas (USA). "One of a handful of major aviation museums in the US located on an active air field. Visitors to our museum are regularly treated to flying activities of Air Force fighter aircraft and Army helicopter operations."
1978 - Seabrook Science & Nature Center, Florida Power & Light Group (FLP), Seabrook Nuclear Power Station, Off US highway 1, Seabrook, New Hampshire (USA).
1978 - Black Hole, 4015 Arkansas Avenue, North Mesa, Los Alamos, New Mexico (USA). Next door to Omega Peace Institute (qv). One unbroken bomb on top. "In 1976, Ed Grothus [1923-2009] acquired the adjacent Piggly Wiggly grocery store (“Mesa Market”). When the grocery operation ceased in 1978, Grothus' Los Alamos Sales Company began moving 'military surplus' into the building, and it became known as 'The Black Hole,' because 'everything went in, and not even light could get out.'” Click here to see a YouTube video of Ed Grothus giving a tour of the "world famous Black Hole of Los Alamos."
April 22, 1979 - Einstein Memorial at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), NAS Building, Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC (USA). Sculpted by Robert Berks and based on a bust he sculpted from life in 1953. Created for the 100th anniversary of Albert Einstein's birth.
1982 - K-25 Overlook, East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP), Tennessee highway 58, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA). One of two overlooks built for the Knoxville World's Fair. Unmanned but updated, the overlook has static displays and a video presentation by K-25 veteran Bill Wilcox. The K-25 Gaseous Diffusion Plant (GDP) helped enrich the uranium for the Hiroshima bomb. Only the foundation remains of the 1982 overlook at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).
1984 - Livermore Peace Monument, Livermore, California (USA), home of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Created by local sculptor Don Homan, an employee of LLNL. Originally made of plywood but later bronzed and rededicaed by Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson. A replica has been given to sister city Yotsukaido (Japan). Click here to see brochure in Japanese. Entry #74 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001).
August 9, 1985 - Bell of Peace, Richland Library, Richland, Washington (USA), city adjactent to Hanford Nuclear Site where the plutonium was produced which fueled the Trinity test on July 16 and the Nagasaki bomb on August 9, 1945. Miniature of western style bell from Urakami Cathedral. Gift by the Mayor of Nagasaki (Japan) to the City of Richland on the 40th anniversary of the atomic bombing.
1985 - "Three Minutes to Midnight," Seminole Avenue, Little Five Points, Atlanta, Georgia (USA). Mural by David Fichter of Cambridge MA. "Painted as part of a cultural festival for nuclear disarmament called 'Three Minutes to Midnight' which organized several events around the city in October 1984." Second image shows portion depicting Leó Szilárd & 70 other atomic scientists petitioning President Truman for a demonstration of the atomic bomb before using it on human beings, US officials playing deaf and dumb, and three weeping "Hiroshima maidens".
About 1985 - "Amber Waves of Grain," National Mall, Washington, DC (USA). "In February, 2006, a stunning art & educational exhibit about the nuclear arms race was given to the Peace Farm [near Amarillo, Texas] by the Prairie Peace Park near Lincoln, Nebraska, where it had been installed since 1994. Created by Denver artists Barbara Donachy & Andy Bardwell, Amber Waves of Grain is a clay replica of the US nuclear arsenal as it stood at the peak of the Cold War: some 31,500 strategic & tactical nuclear warheads, over 1600 land & sea based missiles, 324 strategic bombers & 37 nuclear submarines. The pieces range in size from 4" warheads to 3" nuclear submarines. Created in 1982-83, the exhibit was shown in 18 locations before being installed at the Prairie Peace Park, including the National Mall in Washington, DC, universities, museums & other locations."
1987 - "The Making of the Atomic Bomb" by Richard Rhodes. Covers people & events from 1930's discoveries leading to the science of nuclear fission, through the Manhattan Project & the atomic bombings of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Received Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction, National Book Award for Nonfiction & National Book Critics Circle Award.
June 1, 1990 - 509th Composite Group Monument, in parking lot of West Wendover Visitor Center, West Wendover, Nevada (USA), where the B-29 crews trained before being deployed to Tinian Island for the missions which bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Wendover and West Wendover are on the border between Utah and Nevada. Dedicated by retired General Paul Tibbets [1915-2007], former commander of the 509th Composite Group and pilot of the B-29 "Enola Gay" on August 6, 1945.
October 3, 1990 - Nuclear Test Veterans' Memorial, St. John's Gardens, Liverpool (England). "Dedicated to the memory of test Veterans who have died since the British tests at Monte Bello, Emnfield [sic], Maralinga, Malden Island, Christmas Island [Australia]. All we seek is justice." British Nuclear Test Veterans Association (BNTVA).
1998 - Nuclear Test Veterans' Memorial Stone, St. Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Leeds (England). British Nuclear Test Veterans Association (BNTVA). "The veterans claim that many of the illnesses they have incurred are due to radioactive eposure from the tests [in Australia]."
1991 - Japanese Stone Lanterns, on bank of Snake River, Idaho Falls, Idaho (USA), home of the Idaho National Laboratory (INL). The two lanterns are a gift from sister city Tokai-mura (Japan), home of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI).
1991 - "Chain Reaction," Santa Monica Civic Center, Santa Monica, California (USA). 26-foot mushroom cloud made from links of a massive chain. Text of plaque: "This is a statement of peace. May it never become an epitaph. Paul Conrad 1991." Designed by Paul Conrad [1924-2010], chief editorial cartoonist for the Los Angeles Times 1964-1993 (& syndicated to 100's of newspapers worldwide). See video. "Gifted to the City of Santa Monica through a $250,000 anonymous donation..." Said to be structurally weak in 2011. "Save Our Sculpture" (SOS) campaign organized by Jerry Peace Activist Rubin.
1992 - Musee Curie / Curie Museum, Institut Curie, 26 rue d'Ulm, Paris (France). On the ground floor of the Curie Pavilion, in one of the oldest buildings of the Institut Curie. This laboratory, erected a few streets away from the “shed” where the Curies discovered polonium and radium in 1898, was specially built for Marie Curie by the University of Paris and the Institut Pasteur between 1911 and 1914.
1992 - Russian Atomic Weapon Museum at the All-Russian Scientific & Research Institute of Experimental Physics (VNIIEF), Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast (Russia) -- about 400 km east of Moscow. The museum is reportedly inspired and modelled on the U.S. National Atomic Museum in Albuquerque, New Mexico (USA). Sarov (also known as Chelyabinsk?) is the former Arzamas-16, one of the USSR's "closed cities" and is still the site of the principal Soviet nuclear weapon laboratory.
1994 - Titan Missile Museum, 1580 W. Duval Mine Road, off Interstate highway I-19 (exit 69), Sahuarita, Arizona (USA). Former Green Valley complex of the 390th Strategic Missile Wing. Only publicly accessible underground ICBM site in the world. Operated by the nonprofit Arizona Aerospace Foundation. Includes 3-ton blast doors, 8-foot thick silo walls, and an actual 110-foot Titan II missile in the launch duct. National Historic Landmark. Click here for air view.
1994 - Albert Einstein Museum at Landau Woolen Shop, 120 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey (USA). "Shockingly, the only permanent Albert Einstein exhibit in the US is surrounded by loden coats and fisherman knit sweaters... Open to the public during shop hours, you'll find photos, articles, artifacts, and lots of fascinating information about the person Time Magazine called 'The Man of the Century'!"
1995 - B-29 Bomber "Enola Gay" (temporary exhibit), Air & Space Museum (NASM), Smithsonian Institution, The Mall, Washington, DC (USA). Parts of the plane that bombed Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Scaled down version of the exhibition ("The Crossroads: The End of World War II, the Atomic Bomb and the Cold War") which the museum planned for the 50th anniversary of Hiroshma. The temporary exhibit closes May 18, 1998.
1995 - Children's Peace Statue, Ghost Ranch, Paseo de Peralta at 401 Old Taos Highway, Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA). A project of Arroyo del Oso Elementary School in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Proposed for Los Alamos but turned down by the Los Alamos County Council. The statue is a popular venue for the deposition of origami peace cranes. Still owned by the Presbyterian Church, "Ghost Ranch" is now a $110/night B&B & conference center but was a home for retired pastors and called "Plaza Resolana" when the statue was located here in 1995. Entry #618 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001). Click here for a 1995 article about the statue.
May 3, 1996 - International Friendship Bell, A.K. Bissell Park, Badger Road, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA), home of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Cast by Sotetsu Iwazawa in Kyoto (Japan) for 50th anniversary of Oak Ridge. Paid for in part by the people of sister city Naka-Machi (Japan), home of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Only inscriptions on the bell are the dates of Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and VJ Day. Pavilion designed by Professor Jon Coddington. Photo by EWL shows the Hiroshima Boys Choir at the bell on March 30, 2006.
1996 - Strategic Air & Space Museum, Interstate highway I-80 (exit 426), Omaha, Nebraska (USA). Preserves many aircraft that the Strategic Air Command (SAC) previously displayed outdoors at Offutt Air Force Base.
October 3, 1996 - Memorial Plaque (Christmas Island). Text: "British Nuclear Test Veterans Association [BNTVA]. Dedicated To The Memory Of Test Veterans Who Have Died Since The British Tests At MONTE BELLO, EMU FIELDS, MARALINGA, MALDEN ISLAND, CHRISTMAS ISLAND, 1952-1962. Not Forgotten. 3rd October 1996." The first British test took place October 3, 1953, off Trimouille Island, Monte Bello Islands, Western Australia. See 1990 & 1998 memorials in Liverpool & Leeds (England).
Date? - Obelisk at the Totem One test site, Emu Field. South Australia (Australia). "Site of first atomic test on mainland Australia, known as Totem One." Text: "TEST SITE. TOTEM 1. A BRITISH ATOMIC WEAPON WAS TEST EXPLODED HERE ON 15 OCTOBER 1953."
October 3, 2002 - Monument to the First British Atomic Test, Onslow, Monte Bello Islands, Western Australia (Australia). Erected on 50th anniversary of Operation Hurricane. Click here for map of atomic tests in Australia.
September 9, 2000 - B-29 Memorial Plaza, Great Bend, Kansas (USA), which was a B-29 bomber training ase during World War II. The monument's intersecting arches represent the emblem of the Global 20th Air Force with a centerpiece of a B-29 cast in stainless steel.
2002 - Submarine Force Museum, US Navy, Thames River, Groton, Connecticut (USA). Only submarine museum operated by the US Navy. It began in 1955 and later acquired the USS Nautilus (SSN 571), the world's first nuclear powered vessel (and first nuclear ballistic missile submarine?), which was commissioned in 1954, decommissioned in 1980, and preserved in 2002. Designated an American Nuclear Society National Nuclear Landmark on its 50th anniversary in 2004.
August 1, 2002 - National Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims, Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima (Japan). Largely underground. Includes fountain, Hall of Remembrance, Victims' Information Area, temporary exhibition area & library. Designed by Kenzo Tange. Click here for the Wikpedia article. #56 of 56 "cenotaphs & monuments" on the Virtual E-Tour. Click here for all examples of the phrase "peace memorial."
December 2002 - Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb Victims, Nagasaki (Japan). Founded by the Japanese national government. Designed by Akira Kuryu. Click here for the Wikipedia article.
December 15, 2003 - B-29 Bomber "Enola Gay" (permanent exhibit), Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Annex, National Air & Space Museum (NASM), Smithsonian Institution, Dulles Airport, Chantilly, Virginia (USA). The plane which bombed Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. Dedication preceeded on Dec. 13 by a conference organized by Prof. Peter J. Kuznick at American University ("Hiroshima in the 21th Century: Will We Repeat the Past?") and a protest Dec. 14 at NY Avenue Presbyterian Chruch. Image shows peace activists -- including hibakusha from Japan -- protesting the exhibit on opening day. Photo by EWL.
June 2004 - "Window to the Univers" (8'x5' portrait of Albert Einstein), American Museum of Science & Energy (AMSE), Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA). Drawn & contributed by Hollywood fashion artist Emmanuel Snitkovsky apparently as part of his proposal to create a monument to Oak Ridge "The Science City" (right image). Portrait names nine scientists: Aristotle, Galileo, Coperincus, Newton, Oppenheimer, Lorenz, Fermi, Wigner & Einstein.
July 2004 - Atomic Bomb Pits No. 1 & No. 2, Former North Field (now abandoned), Tinian Island, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Where the atomic bombs were loaded on the B-29's Enola Gay and Bock's Car for their flights to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The two pits were filled in for safety and marked with wooden signs until reopened and covered in glass in conjunction with the 60th anniversary of the Battles of Saipan and Tinian.
Date? - Intercontinental Ballistic Missile & Heritage Museum, F. E. Warren Air Force Base, Cheyenne, Wyoming (USA). Museum is in historic Building 210, which was headquarters of the former Fort D. A. Russell over a century ago. On 2 Sep 1960 the 564th Strategic Missile Squadron at F.E. Warren AFB was declared the first fully operational ICBM squadron. Since 1986, F.E. Warren AFB has maintained 150 Minuteman IIIs and is home to the Air Force’s only 50 Peacekeeper ICBMs.
February 20, 2005 - Atomic Testing Museum, Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation, 755 East Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, Nevada (USA).
June 17, 2005 - Secret City Commemorative Walk, A.K. Bissell Park, Tulane Avenue at Oak Ridge Turnpike, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA). - Outdoor plaques explaining the Manhattan Project in Oak Ridge. Created by Rotary Club of Oak Ridge for the 100th anniversary of Rotary International. Image shows line drawing by Oak Ridge artist Fred Heddleson.
June 2005? - Beta Calutrons (Building 9204-3), Y-12 National Security Complex, 602 Scarboro Road, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA). Not open to public except on guided bus tours for American citizens only. First such tour was given during the Secret City Festival in June 2005? Uranium-235 electromagnetically separated by the Y-12 plant was used in Little Boy, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.
After 2005 - Memorial to Joseph Rotblat, in front of the Omega Peace Institute (OPI), Arkansas Avenue, North Mesa, Los Alamos, New Mexico (USA). Erected by Ed Grothus [1923-2009]. Sir Joseph Rotblat [1908-2005] was a Polish-born Jew & British-naturalised physicist who worked at Los Alamos during World War II and became the only physicist to leave the Manhattan Project on the grounds of conscience (though others later refused to work on atomic bombs after the defeat of Japan). He was secretary general of the Pugwash Conferences on Science & World Affairs from its founding [in 1957] until 1973. Rotblat & the Pugwash Conferences jointly received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1995 for their efforts towards nuclear disarmament." Photo by EWL 12Sep09.
2006 - J. Robert Oppenheimer House Los Alamos, New Mexico (USA). Built in the late 1920s for Mary K. (May) Connell, an artist and the sister of the Los Alamos Ranch School's director, A. J. Connell, who designed the structure himself. Restored in 2006 after a National Park Service "Save America's Treasures" grant was obtained by the Atomic Heritage Foundation (AEF) for the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which transferred funds to the Los Alamos Historical Society.
2007 - Y-12 History Exhibit Hall, New Hope Center, Y-12 National Security Complex, 602 Scarboro Road, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA). The history exhibit was created by D. Ray Smith. The first and only building at Y-12 to be open to the public, the New Hope Center is constructed on ground formerly used by the Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance (OREPA) for its annual Hiroshima Day protest.
December 5, 2007 - Plaque marking the office of General Leslie R. Groves, War Department Building (now Department of State, Bureau of Verification, Compliance and Implementation), 21st Street & Virginia Avenne, Washington, DC (USA). Not open to the public. General Groves commanded the Manhattan Project from this small office in Washington, DC, while most Manhattan Project activity took place elsewhere, particularly in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
December 2007 - Doomsday Stones, Los Alamos, New Mexico (USA). As noted by Grothus' son Mike, Ed Grothus [1923-2009] "designed & commissioned two granite obelisks to mark the explosion of the first atomic bomb. The obelisks were quarried & carved in China, then shipped to Los Alamos in December 2007. The obelisks are white granite & are designed to sit on black bases, 'doomsday stones,' engraved with text in 15 languages that describe the 'most significant man-made event in human history.' Important to him among the messages engraved in the stone was, 'No one is secure unless everyone is secure.' When erected, each monument will weigh over 39 tons and stand nearly 40 feet tall. At the time of his death [on February 12, 2009], Grothus remained optimistic that the obelisks would find a home." (NB: Martin Luther King, Jr., famously said, "'No one is free, until everyone is free.")
August 6, 2008 - "Stories of Hope," permanent exhibit at Peace Resource Center (PRC), Wilmington College of Ohio, Wilmington, Ohio (USA). Highlights four stories: PRC founder Barbara Leonard Reynolds [1915-1990], Sadako Sasaki [1943-1955], the Hiroshima Maidens, and Dr. Takashi Nagai [1908-1951], the first published writer of the A-Bomb experience. The PRC has "the world's largest collection (outside of Japan) of reference materials related to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki." Entry #820 in the "Peace Movement Directory" by James Richard Bennett (2001). One of 27 US museums in "Museums for Peace Worldwide" edited by Kazuyo Yamane (2008).
July 13, 2009 - Ronald Reagan Minuteman Missile State Historical Site, Cooperstown, North Dakota (USA). Former "Oscar-Zero" site on the edge of the scenic Sheyenne River Valley, surrounded by miles and miles of fields of wheat, corn and soybeans. Oscar-Zero and November-33, a missile silo two miles east of Cooperstown, are the last remnants of the 321st Missile Wing, a cluster of intercontinental ballistic launch sites that were spread over a 6,500-square-mile area around the Grand Forks Air Force Base. This missile launch control facility is one of 15 in eastern North Dakota that closed in 1997 as a condition of the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START). Each facility controlled 10 Minuteman III missiles armed with as many as three nuclear warheads aimed at the former USSR.
Future - K-25 Museum, East Tennessee Technology Park (ETTP), Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA). A joint project (PKP) of the Atomic Heritage Foundation (AHF) and the Oak Ridge Heritage & Preservation Association (ORHPA). The K-25 Gaseous Diffusion Plant helped produce the uranium for the Little Boy bomb. It was the largest building in the world and stopped enriching uranium in 1985. Image shows museum entrance (Portal 4) and the restored "North Tower" of the otherwise demolished K-25 plant. "Clinton Engineer Works" is the original World War II code name for Oak Ridge.
Future - B Reactor Museum, B Reactor Museum Association (BRMA), Hanford Nuclear Site, Hanford, Washington (USA). A project of the B Reactor Museum Association (BRMA) which was organized in 1991. The B Reactor produced the plutonium for the Nagasaki bomb in 1945. The reactor was shut down and decommissioned in 1968.
Future - Cold War Museum, site of Lorton Nike Missile Base, Lorton, Virginia (USA). This museum's physical location is not yet certain. Accepted as a Smithsonian Affiliate Museum in January 2001. Click here for air view of site.
Future - Rocky Flats Cold War Museum, Rocky Flats, Colorado (USA). At site of Rocky Flats hydrogen bomb production facility which operated 1952-1988 and was then decontaminated and demolished by the US Department of Energy (DOE) and turned into Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge. See "Rocky Flats - A local hazard forever" by Dr. LeRoy Moore, Rocky Mountain Peace & Justice Center (RMPJC), Boulder, Colorado.
Future - Manhattan Project National Historical Park, National Park Service (NPS), with sites in Hanford (Washington), Los Alamos (New Mexico) & Oak Ridge (Tennessee). Under study pursuant to the “Manhattan Project National Historical Park Study Act” (Public Law 108-340) of October 18, 2004.
Future - A-Bomb Museum, Washington, DC (USA). "The 'NPT Promotion Committee,' composed of Japanese parliamentarians from various parties, is pursuing the idea of establishing, in Washington, DC, a monument to express the hope of eliminating nuclear weapons as well as a permanent museum to convey the consequences of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The committee aims to unveil the monument at the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference next spring and open the museum sometime next year [2010]."
Future - WAshington Nuclear Discovery Center (WAND), Washington Nuclear Museum & Education Center (WANMEC), Nuclear Reactor Building (More Hall Annex, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (USA). Will present "the full story of Washington's involvement in nuclear research, weaponry & power over the last 60 years." WANMEC is "made possible" by the Washington chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR). Building housed a 100-kilowatt Argonaut research reactor from April 1961 to June 1988 (one of about 10 built for research universities in the USA).